Best Doom 2099 Decks for Marvel Snap (2025)

Now that he’s been out for a while, we wanted to take a look and see what Doom 2099 has been doing to the meta in Marvel Snap. Overall, he seems to be doing very well. He doesn’t appear to be cracking into any top-tier lists right now, but he’s doing very well for himself. Not only that, he’s really fun to play. There’s a lot of room for tinkering with decks involving Doom 2099, and we’re seeing these decks changing a lot as time goes on.

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One big thing that seems to come and go is the presence of Wong in these decks. On one hand, he’s great for the original Dr. Doom to drop 2 Doombots per lane. On the other hand, your lanes may already be crowded enough. He seems to be falling out of favor, but there’s room for him to do some work if you don’t have all the cards for a given deck.

Watch out for Lady Deathstrike. She’s a fierce five-cost drop that will wreck your 2099 Doombots. Cosmo and Storm should help counter this threat. Red Guardian and Enchantress can shut off the Doombot 2099’s Ongoing ability, so keep an eye peeled for those threats, too.

Deck 1: LockDoom

Best Doom 2099 Decks for Marvel Snap (1)

This is perhaps the most popular form of Doom 2099 decks right now. The focus is on locking down lanes for your opponent, but using War Machine to allow yourself to continue playing freely. There’s a lot of room for variations on this one, so you might see a couple different ideas in other people’s decks. Some cards, however, are must-haves for this build. War Machine, Doctor Doom, Doom 2099, Storm, Zabu, and Psylocke are all must-haves. They help lock down locations while allowing you to use synergies between the Doom duo. Iron Lad adds a bit of randomness to the deck, that can help it pop off in some major ways.

  • Zabu
  • Ebony Maw
  • Psyclocke
  • Red Guardian
  • Doom 2099
  • Super Skrull
  • Storm
  • Iron Lad
  • War Machine
  • Blue Marvel
  • Doctor Doom
  • The Infinaut

Deck Code: WmI0LEVibk13OCxQc2xjazgsUmRHcmRuQixEbTIwOTk4LFNwclNrcmxsQixTdHJtNSxJcm5MZDcsV3JNY2huQSxCbE1ydmxBLERyRG02LEluZm50OA==

Deck 2: LockDoom 2: Doombot Boogaloo

This one’s a variation of the previous deck, still focusing on locking down the locations and making it so that only you can play with them. This one doubles down on the concept of using Storm to flood a location and using Legion to copy the flooded location onto all three lanes. With War Machine in play, you can continue to play freely. Infinaut returns as as game-ending finisher capable of overcoming most lanes by himself. Super Skrull will likely drop out of here as people stop playing with Doom 2099. His main function is to copy other people’s Doombot 2099s and War Machine. Though if he finds a Wong, that wouldn’t be the worst for Doctor Doom.

  • Zabu
  • Psylocke
  • Jeff!
  • Doom 2099
  • Super Skrull
  • Storm
  • Iron Lad
  • War Machine
  • Legion
  • Doctor Doom
  • Alioth
  • The Infinaut

Deck Code: WmI0LFBzbGNrOCxKZmZUaEJiTG5kU2hyazE0LERtMjA5OTgsU3ByU2tybGxCLFN0cm01LElybkxkNyxXck1jaG5BLExnbjYsRHJEbTYsQWx0aDYsSW5mbnQ4

Deck 3: Doom Go Boom

Best Doom 2099 Decks for Marvel Snap (2)

This one is all about Doom. Everything here is working to support Doom, Doom 2099, and The Doombots. Zabu and Psylocke help get Doom 2099 out sooner, allowing you to play more of the Doombot 2099’s. Storm returns with Cosmo for ways to lock your opponent out. Blue Marvel, Spectrum, and Onslaught all work together to boost the power of the Doombot 2099’s. And finally, Wong is there so that Doctor Doom can spread twice the number of his own Doombots. We discussed Wong being a considerably difficult choice, but if you want to try it, Spectrum can also use him to buff your bots.

  • Zabu
  • Psylocke
  • Magik
  • Cosmo
  • Doom 2099
  • Wong
  • Storm
  • Iron Lad
  • Blue Marvel
  • Doctor Doom
  • Spectrum
  • Onslaught


Deck 4: Gilgameshed Together

This deck is pure ramp, and Gilgamesh is a surprisingly effective friend to the Doombots. Since Doom 2099’s bots all buff the additional Doom and Doombots, that’s more upgrades to power Gilgamesh’s On Reveal effect. Galacta and Blue Marvel help keep new cards empowered, and Vision is great for people trying to use the Lockdown Doom style decks. Electro, Wave, and Psylocke are your key ramping cards, allowing you to get the bigger cards out sooner.

  • Zabu
  • Psylocke
  • Electro
  • Wave
  • Doom 2099
  • Galacta
  • Misery
  • Blue Marvel
  • Vision
  • Gilgamesh
  • Doctor Doom
  • Onslaught


Deck 5: Blink and you’re Doom’d

Best Doom 2099 Decks for Marvel Snap (3)

This one seems weird at first, but it’s hard to argue with the results. It’s currently sitting on a 60% winrate on Your typical ramp friends Zabu, Psylocke, and Electro are here with the Doom squad. But cards like Gorr, Odin, Alioth, and Magneto seem kind of out of place. Five 6-cost cards in your deck?! Even with great ramp, that’s a bit tough to execute. That’s where Blink and Jubilee come in. They’ll help find your better cards, and create a lot of havoc for your opponent to deal with. Magneto shuffles their board, Alioth can potentially squash their power plays, and Odin can increase your Doombot count.

  • Zabu
  • Psylocke
  • Electro
  • Jubilee
  • Doom 2099
  • Iron Lad
  • Blink
  • Gorr
  • Doctor Doom
  • Odin
  • Alioth
  • Magneto


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Best Doom 2099 Decks for Marvel Snap (2025)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.